Home-Care Patients Who are Aging Solo: Are you Prepared? Part 2
Joy Loverde

Please join us for our second webinar featuring Joy Loverde. In this webinar, Joy will be joined by two outstanding guests, Susan Winokur and Susan Platt. Both Susan Platt and Susan Winokur are Home Health Care Professionals and Executives who are very involved in various aspects of our industry.
In our last webinar we asked you to submit questions for Joy as these questions would form the basis of our future webinars. Susan Winokur and Susan Platt sent us questions and we will discuss, explore and answer those questions during this webinar. Please join us as we continue to explore this very important topic designed specifically for the Home Health Caregiving Professionals. Joy is the author of Who Will Take Care Of Me When I’m Old? and The Complete Eldercare Planner. You can follow the link on the left to purchase either or both of Joy's books.
When: TBD