Billing & Collections

HealthWare’s Billing application is extremely complex and flexible. Virtually any type of service can be billed using this system. It is fully capable of handling prospective pay (PPS), Hospice per-diem, fee for service, room and board and continuous care. Since HealthWare allows for more than one primary payer, you can bill your per diem and your room and board at the same time, without any manual changes or holds on the patient’s account. Nursing, Therapy, Rehab, DME, and Infusion are other services that are supported by the system.
Accounts Receivable
The functionality built into HealthWare’s Accounts Receivable makes it easy to keep your finances in order. Convenient data entry forms, drop-down selection lists and pop-open windows streamline the entry process. Charges, payments and adjustments are posted with minimal keystrokes and your data can easily be checked for accuracy before posting. Pop-up warnings will notify users of required fields and incorrect usage .
Bills, Claims, Invoices and Collections Tracking allows you to follow-up on unpaid claims and invoices. You can keep notes on your collection efforts at the bill or line item level. Conversations and phone calls with payers are documented with who made the call, date and time as well as notes regarding the discussions and commitments made by the payer. You can also setup reminders for future follow-up assigned to specific users. An Aged Receivables report tells you how much money is still owed to you and Bill Tracking and Collections allow you to see what is being done to bring it in.
Of course, reporting
and analyzing your finances are an important
aspect of your A/R system. This is another area
where HealthWare shines. Our system
includes many built in reports and integrates
into the HealthWare Information Portal for
more dynamic and in-depth analysis. Using these
tools, you can analyze your organization’s income
and direct costs by region, MSA, branch,
department, program, service, provider, payer and
more. Easily transfer data to applications such
as Microsoft Excel for further analysis with the
click of a mouse.
Electronic Remittance Advice
HealthWare’s Electronic Remittance Advice is one of the most convenient and timesaving applications available in the HealthWare System. This application allows you to automatically apply payments from Medicare, as well as other payers, using the HIPAA compliant ANSI 835 format. The data file integrity-checking feature helps insure that the data you post is accurate. As it applies payments and creates adjustments, it looks for any discrepancies and provides you with an exception report.
HealthWare‘s ERA has been proven to reduce the time spent in entering payments by over 90%. This means freeing up your employee’s time for other tasks. Even more important than saving time is ensuring error-free payment entries. This application eliminates common human errors such as transposing numbers, keystroke mistakes and addition/subtraction mistakes.
Billing Service
Let HealthWare become your billing service and save on staffing. Services include posting charges submitted to AR, claims processing of charges, per diem charge generation and posting, reoccurring billing charge generation and posting, posting payments to AR, invoice and statement processing, collections processing of claims, and end of month closing and reporting.