Software and Services for Home Health, Hospice and Healthcare Facilities

Happy 35th Birthday Email

8/31/2017 HealthWare Other 0 Comments


On August 30th, 1982 Dr. Shiva filed the first copyright for an email system. Email is a powerful tool that has grown to something like 60 billion emails per day. Most people use their mobile phones to access email these days and the average worker spends more than 10 hours a week dealing with email. While emails use in undeniable and it will maintain an important role in your agency it is also a source of spam and a very popular vector for malware attacks. You need to your email system to be powerful, available, secure and compliant.

HealthWare can help you create the perfect email system for your agency. As a Microsoft Partner and Tier One Cloud Solution Provider we can provide your agency with email through Microsoft Office 365. Microsoft Office 365 is an affordable and easy to implement solution to have secure and compliant email for your entire agency. Transport Layer Security to encrypt data between systems, automated spoofing and fraud detection and anti-malware protection. Microsoft Office 365 is also HIPAA compliant and for email offers Data Loss Prevention (DLP) to help protect your agency by detecting the presence of information subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and helping to prevent it from being shared with people outside your agency. Spam is also an email plague that Office 365 can help with using its advanced spam protection which includes blocking IP addresses known to send spam, content filtering, email authentication and more.

For more information on how HealthWare can help you with your email and other online services contact us at 850-479-9035 or visit us at

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